Trade & Regulatory Compliance

LawCustoms is a project focusing on the areas of International Trade and the United States Regulatory Compliance. The project is administered by the Law Office of Yuri Starikov, LLC. The goal of the project is twofold.
First, LawCustoms is designed to share perspectives and experiences through the Publications page, attempting to make the regulatory compliance regime more transparent, accessible, and understandable to interested readers. The second goal of LawCustoms is to reach out to members of international trade community who seek assistance in customs, trade and regulatory compliance matters. Part of the project involves serving importers and exporters, as well as, any people and companies who sell/buy or would like to engage in business that relates to the United States market.
How You May Benefit
Trade regulations touch every person, from individuals who trade off- and online to professionals in large corporate, legal and government establishments. LawCustoms invites you to explore how trade regulations affect you. If you have a question, please send us a message. Your inquiry is free and there is no obligation to maintain a relationship.
Your general or particular interests may have been addressed at the LawCustoms Publications page. Please visit the page or browse a wide range of topics and categories on the sidebar to your right.
Why LawCustoms
Procedural and substantive aspects of International Trade and the U.S. regulatory regime are tangled into a complex web. This web – at times contradictory, irrational, and unpredictable – is a reflection of competing interests in our complex society. It is this very complexity that makes this field so fascinating and interesting.
Many complex topics can be simplified by breaking down difficult units into easier ones. The challenge lies not in the understanding of international trade and regulation complexities, but rather in the means of breaking down these complexities. This involves, among other things, asking the right questions, going to the right sources, developing and applying accepted methodologies, or challenging these methodologies through proper channels. It is these aspects of international trade and regulation that LawCustoms endeavors to untangle, improve, build upon, and deliver.