When the equipment parts have downhole applications, they are to be classified as a boring or sinking machinery (8431.43…) only if these parts are directly related (emphasis added) to the…
Author: <span>Yuri Starikov</span>
Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act Sections 101, 108, 106 , 16 CFR 1303, and CPSC Advisory Opinion suggest the following: Books for All Ages – Not Subject to Lead Content…
When the primary application of the product is on offshore drill platform (as opposed to having both land and offshore applications), that product is classified as the platform (8431.43.40). See…
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) administers Poison Prevention Packaging Act pursuant to 15 U.S.C. §§ 1471-1476, 16 CFR Subchapter E; §§ 1700 – 1702. CPSC, broadly speaking, provides regulation standards…
Office of General Counsel Advisory Opinions List of Regulated Products Recalls and Safety News Voluntary Standards
Under the Flammable Fabrics Act, CPSC can issue mandatory flammability standards. Standards have been established for the flammability of clothing textiles, vinyl plastic film (used in clothing), carpets and rugs,…
Importers of any products falling within these headings need to be aware of declaration requirements administered by APHIS. The easiest way to stay informed of developments is to sign up…
Some multinational importers used the convention to justify classification of goods at the subheading level by adopting “global” tariff. In 1989, as part of an international effort to adopt a…
Consumer Product Safety Commission: General Observations on Scope, Jurisdiction, and Effect on Trade
The scope of Consumer Product Safety Commission authority is broadly established to extend to any consumer product from which the risk of injury could occur (see 16 CFR 1145.1). Legal…
United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE)