Major question that distinguishes whether these substances belong to heading 3403 or 2710: Does the product contain 70% or more by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous…
Category: <span>Product Regulation</span>
Actuator may be, prima facie, a part of the valve with which it is used, but actuators for valves, imported / exported separately are not provided in the valve heading…
An IBOP is typically a ball valve or other type of valve that is connected in line with the drills string. It can be closed to isolate the kick inside…
The Agricultural Marketing Service has issued an interim final rule1, effective September 30, 2008, requiring the mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) for the following agricultural goods (collectively, covered commodities):…
The following are examples of oil and gas exploration industry items that are described under various Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCN’s) and may require an export license: Antenna (see Radio)…
Below are useful questions when assessing Schedule B and ECCN determination. While most of them would belong under EAR99, a small minority may be subject to stricter BIS controls. Schedule…
The EU tariff website has an HTS look up feature for chemicals and metals based on CAS#. Some CBP employees use this as a source for additional guidance (to six…
Wilton Industries Inc., v. United States case caused a great deal of excitement in the import and legal communities. After all, provided that certain criteria are met, utilitarian articles were…
Since November 7th, 2005 artist canvas from People’s Republic of China is subject to antidumping duties of 264.09 percent, unless separate rate is applicable. International Trade Administration assigned case number…
Determination of jurisdiction for infrared products can get quite complicated but in the case of infrared motion detectors it is not difficult at all. Two federal agencies (other then Customs…