Discussion is a part of LawCustoms exam preparation series that focuses on helping examinees in obtaining a passing score on a customs broker license examination and becoming an individual Licensed…
Category: <span>Trade Agreements</span>
Discussion is a part of LawCustoms exam preparation series that focuses on helping examinees in obtaining a passing score on a customs broker license examination and becoming an individual Licensed…
Discussion is a part of LawCustoms exam preparation series that focuses on helping examinees in obtaining a passing score on a customs broker license examination and becoming an individual Licensed…
Discussion is a part of LawCustoms exam preparation series that focuses on helping examinees in obtaining a passing score on a customs broker license examination and becoming an individual Licensed…
Building on the knowledge from previous classes, this lecture continues to build upon North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) principles as they are being tested on the Customs Broker License…
Class discussed North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) concepts of fungible goods, indirect material, de minimis, and tariff shifting rules under HTSUS General Note 12(t). Class is a part of…
Class continued the discussion of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Lecture focused on certificates of origin and concept of “originating” product under NAFTA. Class is a part of LawCustoms…
Focus of the discussion was North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Class began with general introduction of NAFTA principles and CBP resources. Next, class shifted to definitions and documentation requirements.…
Three trade agreements were covered during this class: Morocco FTA, Singapore FTA, and Agreement on Trade in Pharmaceutical Products. Class is a part of LawCustoms exam preparation series that focuses…
Three trade agreements were covered during this class: Israel FTA, Jordan FTA, and Korea FTA. Class is a part of LawCustoms exam preparation series that focuses on helping examinees in…