Category: <span>U.S. Federal Agencies</span>

Since Texport Oil Co. v. U.S. decision in 1999, it is an accepted practice for unused merchandise drawback claimants (19 U.S.C. 1313(j)) to request a refund for Merchandise Processing Fee…

U.S. Federal Agencies

Members of trade community may find a search engine, which is geared specifically to crawl through export violations reported by BIS in its FOIA page, to be a useful tool. …

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies Useful Links

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

“Organic” is a popular term.  It is associated with a healthy diet and lifestyle.  Quite often, it is also a reason to charge and pay higher prices for the organic…

Product Regulation Trade Agreements U.S. Federal Agencies

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

U.S. Federal Agencies

Product Regulation Trade Agreements U.S. Federal Agencies