Under the Flammable Fabrics Act, CPSC can issue mandatory flammability standards. Standards have been established for the flammability of clothing textiles, vinyl plastic film (used in clothing), carpets and rugs,…
Category: <span>U.S. Federal Agencies</span>
Importers of any products falling within these headings need to be aware of declaration requirements administered by APHIS. The easiest way to stay informed of developments is to sign up…
Consumer Product Safety Commission: General Observations on Scope, Jurisdiction, and Effect on Trade
The scope of Consumer Product Safety Commission authority is broadly established to extend to any consumer product from which the risk of injury could occur (see 16 CFR 1145.1). Legal…
While many trade content providers, such as Customs Info, developed a single screen check tool to verify denied parties list, those forwarders, importers, and exporters with scarce resources have free…
The Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) is another online database to check if your company is engaged in (1) federal contracts / subcontracts, and (2) subcontracts its own work to…
An interesting article appeared on ExportLawBlog with respect to 15 CFR 764.2(h) application (“No person may engage in any transaction or take any other action with intent to evade the…
Folks that are new or need refresher on BIS side of export regulations should visit this official BIS training page. It is a good overview, and may provide basis (if…
The editor of this blog would like to make a correction to the statement posted few days ago about CBP/CPSC joint webinar presentation. In the blog notice, it was stated…
CBP posted a 06/08/10 webinar slides of CPSC presentation. Overall, the slides appeared to create a joint statement, by both agencies, to cooperate with one another. General procedural policies, as…
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of an object (typically referred to as an RFID tag) applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of…