The emergency stay request, CPSC opinion letters, and finally SDNY court ruling point to the sign that the American plastic toy industry is really caught off guard. Additionally, the record…
Category: <span>U.S. Federal Agencies</span>
One of the puzzling situations that are not explicitly answered by the Commerce Control List (CCL), or other part of the EAR, are the software/hardware bundles commonly exported overseas. Looking…
After attending lectures, discussions with logistics managers, as well as importers, I got a sense of big confusion that is occurring in the trade community regarding their responsibilities and regulations…
For the purposes of 15 CFR 740.15, do offshore oil drilling rigs / platforms qualify as Vessels? Offshore drilling rigs and platforms do not constitute “vessels” for the purposes of…
This inquiry concerns control 2B999.g of the Commerce Control List. Specifically, the list provides for 304 and 316 stainless steel valves, piping, tanks and vessels. One possible interpretation of the…
In an obscure NY M86452, CBP classified airfield lighting under 8530.80.0000 9405.40.6000 9405.60.6000 CBP provided no explanation of why classification of heading 9405 was used for lighting equipment clearly used…
If the machine is designed to not to be held in hand then it is classified under Schedule B (8479.89.9897 HTSUS) pursuant to NY L86502. If it is designed…
CBP is proposing to issue HQ H029719 in order to revoke NY N007536 and reclassify the cables under HTS 8544.42.2000, as electric conductors “of a kind used for telecommunication” rather…
Dateline’s report on Customs and Border Protection.
The Agricultural Marketing Service has issued an interim final rule1, effective September 30, 2008, requiring the mandatory country of origin labeling (COOL) for the following agricultural goods (collectively, covered commodities):…