LawCustoms Project Posts

On January 28, 2010 attorneys from Grunfeld, Desiderio, Lebowitz, Silverman & Klestadt LLP (GDLSK), Alan R. Klestadt ( and Frances P. Hadfield ( issued a flyer called “Product Safety Duty…

U.S. Federal Agencies

BIS updated “Freight Forwarder Guidance” material on its website. The text carries vagueness about circumstances when the “agent” (i.e. freight forwarder) may get into trouble when it takes upon itself…

U.S. Federal Agencies

Trade Agreements

CBP “updates” to its website that came this August do not bring much new. There is still work to be done for “Other Agencies” section, for example, that does not…

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

U.S. Federal Agencies

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

If one tries to bring LED light bulbs, she may rely on 8539.39.0000 classification based on N020620 (2007), which is presumptively valid 2.4% duty category. Mr. Campanelli, a CBP National…

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

Office of Foreign Assets and Controls (OFAC) posted .pdf screen shots of its presentation symposium. Most of information is a form of restatement of governmental policies. There are some interesting…

Sovereign Nations U.S. Federal Agencies

U.S. Federal Agencies