We just launched VIP Member Area with training videos and lectures designed for folks that are preparing for the forthcoming U.S. Licensed Customs Broker Examination (CBLE). Previously, these videos were…
Tag: <span>Customs and Border Protection</span>
CBP opened registration today through March 21 to register for the forthcoming CBLE scheduled on 05/01/2024. Announcement Link: https://www.cbp.gov/trade/programs-administration/customs-brokers/license-examination-notice-examination
CBP published a final rule creating mandatory requirements – 19 CFR 111.102 among many other updates – for licensed customs brokers to continuously educate themselves. This rule kicks in July…
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (“CBP”) has a dedicated page to the “First Sale” rule, which is here. In simple terms, “First Sale” is declaration technique that emphasized declaration to…
Folks who took their April 2023 Customs Broker License Exam (“CBLE”) are receiving their results letters. Those who passed, congratulations! Those who did not, may either prepare for October 2023…
2023 Trade Facilitation and Cargo Security (TFCS) Summit is taking place in person and virtually. Aside from the benefits of seeing wonderful people from many levels of CBP, it is also…
Last night we held a last class in the 10/2022 preparation series. Thank you to everyone who attended. Playback on-demand recordings will continue to be available to registrants up until…
Video segment from Customs Broker License Exam Preparation Class (“CBLE”) that took place on April 14, 2022. This class was live streamed. The class is part of lecture series designed…
Video segment from Customs Broker License Exam Preparation Class (“CBLE”) that took place on April 14, 2022. This class was live streamed. The class is part of lecture series designed…
Video segment from Customs Broker License Exam Preparation Class (“CBLE”) that took place on April 14, 2022. This class was live streamed. The class is part of lecture series designed…