Tag: <span>Customs and Border Protection</span>

U.S. Federal Agencies

The CBP decision in HQ H007677 regarding blowout preventers (BOP) is another example to the oilfield industry that customary practices of using “blanket” HTS for all of its products, such…

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

In an obscure NY M86452, CBP classified airfield lighting under 8530.80.0000 9405.40.6000 9405.60.6000 CBP provided no explanation of why classification of heading 9405 was used for lighting equipment clearly used…

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

If the machine is designed to not to be held in hand then it is classified under Schedule B (8479.89.9897 HTSUS) pursuant to NY L86502. If it is designed…

Product Regulation U.S. Federal Agencies

CBP is proposing to issue HQ H029719 in order to revoke NY N007536 and reclassify the cables under HTS 8544.42.2000, as electric conductors “of a kind used for telecommunication” rather…

U.S. Federal Agencies

Dateline’s report on Customs and Border Protection.

Training & Development U.S. Federal Agencies

The guidelines instruct CBP officers to seek assistance from other Federal agencies or entities in Translation and Decryption matters. This may take to mean that the individual subject to search…

U.S. Federal Agencies

U.S. Federal Agencies

U.S. Federal Agencies

U.S. Federal Agencies